Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I have been through a lot of "stuff" in my life, I remember at times feeling sooo weak with life hitting me hard at times, but the Lord showed me a beautiful Scripture "When I am weak, THEN am I STRONG!  

I got a divorce from a man that was addicted to pornography and was a cheater,abusive, etc.. That can cause a lot of stress. But I didn't partake of the lifestyle Many people would have cheered yes she got a boyfriend, serves him right, haaa but I may sound like a prude but I was STRONG in my spirit, when I am WEAK, THEN am I strong. I didn't give in and bow to the Knee of sexual addictions that so many people have become slaves to, It can be anything, maybe you have people around you gossiping at work and You won't get involved ...and are getting picked on, etc... but if you stand with the Lord He will BLESS you for your FAITHFULNESS. You aren't weak...It is the Opposite YOU ARE STRONG! Needless to say finally that marriage ended in divorce with him running off with a girlfriend, getting taken to court by a second girlfriend for his abusive behavior, etc. I totally forgave Him and God has given me a new life with a wonderful christian husband. If you are Strong God will bless you. Don't let those weak moments distroy you. You aren't a loser, you are actually STRONG. So at those times in your life where you feel weak... look to this verse you may actually BE STRONG. Please subscribe to this blog and share this post with someone you know that may need encouragement. 

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